Adonis shown finishing under judge Mrs. Sulie Greendale-Paveza


Adonis finished at 7 months of age with three 3 pt majors and one 4 pt major.

Adonis was bred by John Schoeneman and Wayne Kerr and is owned with Anthony & Chasity Adams

BIS BISS GChG Phillmar Superman WAC
BIS BISS Am/Brz/Chl/Int/Mex/Urg Ch Arg GRCh Nello's Lex Luthor AOM WAC Arg Ch Will Ross Opium BISS Am/Arg Ch Enola Gay's Dino
Arg GRCh Will Ross Greta
Nello's Eureka Black Arg Ch Vingo Black Del Samurai
Nello's Bahiana Nova
BISS Ch Phillmar Monsterella BFL-1 LC-12D BIS/BISS Ch Eastwick's Meadow Monster LC-10D Ch Beaulane Hot Topic
Ch Sunset First Love v Eastwick LC-11D
BIS BISS Ch Phillmar Thunderella CD LC-10D BIS/BISS Ch Soquel's Distant Thunder
Ch Karmabeck Bella Nina CGC, LC-10D
Ch. Schohaus Spring Time Fashion
GCH Schohaus Loyal Autumn Knight V Allure Ch Allure Fire In The Sky WAC BIS/BISS Ch Eastwick's Meadow Monster LC-10D
Multiple BIS/BISS Ch Allure Blazing Star Alisaton
BIS BISS GCH, Can CH Allure Envy Me Royalwoods v Schohaus BIS BISS GCH CH Steinway's Paris is Burning CDX MX MXJ XF ROM CGC RS-N JS-O GS-E
Ch Royalwoods D Avante Garde
CH Schohaus Key to Audacity Gch Ch Protocol's Ordo Ab Chao BFL-1 LC-10L Ch Foxfire All Star LC-10D
BISS Ch Protocol's American Dream CDX RN AX AXJ XF ROM TT SCH I LC-10D BFL-1
BIS BISS GCH, Can CH Allure Envy Me Royalwoods v Schohaus BIS BISS GCH CH Steinway's Paris is Burning CDX MX MXJ XF ROM CGC RS-N JS-O GS-E
Ch Royalwoods D Avante Garde